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28-10 Vol. 3C

VMX SUPPORT FOR ADDRESS TRANSLATION   Prioritization of EPT Misconfigurations and EPT Violations

The translation of a linear address to a physical address requires one or more translations of guest-physical 
addresses using EPT (see Section 28.2.1). This section specifies the relative priority of EPT-induced VM exits with 
respect to each other and to other events that may be encountered when accessing memory using a linear address.
For an access to a guest-physical address, determination of whether an EPT misconfiguration or an EPT violation 
occurs is based on an iterative process:


1. An EPT paging-structure entry is read (initially, this is an EPT PML4 entry):

a. If the entry is not present (bits 2:0 are all 0), an EPT violation occurs.
b. If the entry is present but its contents are not configured properly (see Section, an EPT miscon-

figuration occurs.

c. If the entry is present and its contents are configured properly, operation depends on whether the entry 

references another EPT paging structure (whether it is an EPT PDE with bit 7 set to 1 or an EPT PTE):
i) If the entry does reference another EPT paging structure, an entry from that structure is accessed; 

step 1 is executed for that other entry.

ii) Otherwise, the entry is used to produce the ultimate physical address (the translation of the original 

guest-physical address); step 2 is executed.

2. Once the ultimate physical address is determined, the privileges determined by the EPT paging-structure 

entries are evaluated:
a. If the access to the guest-physical address is not allowed by these privileges (see Section, an EPT 

violation occurs.

b. If the access to the guest-physical address is allowed by these privileges, memory is accessed using the 

ultimate physical address.

If CR0.PG = 1, the translation of a linear address is also an iterative process, with the processor first accessing an 
entry in the guest paging structure referenced by the guest-physical address in CR3 (or, if PAE paging is in use, the 
guest-physical address in the appropriate PDPTE register), then accessing an entry in another guest paging struc-
ture referenced by the guest-physical address in the first guest paging-structure entry, etc. Each guest-physical 
address is itself translated using EPT and may cause an EPT-induced VM exit. The following items detail how page 
faults and EPT-induced VM exits are recognized during this iterative process:
1. An attempt is made to access a guest paging-structure entry with a guest-physical address (initially, the 

address in CR3 or PDPTE register).
a. If the access fails because of an EPT misconfiguration or an EPT violation (see above), an EPT-induced 

VM exit occurs.

b. If the access does not cause an EPT-induced VM exit, bit 0 (the present flag) of the entry is consulted:

i) If the present flag is 0 or any reserved bit is set, a page fault occurs.
ii) If the present flag is 1, no reserved bit is set, operation depends on whether the entry references 

another guest paging structure (whether it is a guest PDE with PS = 1 or a guest PTE):

If the entry does reference another guest paging structure, an entry from that structure is 
accessed; step 1 is executed for that other entry.

Otherwise, the entry is used to produce the ultimate guest-physical address (the translation of the 
original linear address); step is executed.

2. Once the ultimate guest-physical address is determined, the privileges determined by the guest paging-

structure entries are evaluated:
a. If the access to the linear address is not allowed by these privileges (e.g., it was a write to a read-only 

page), a page fault occurs.

b. If the access to the linear address is allowed by these privileges, an attempt is made to access memory at 

the ultimate guest-physical address:

1. This is a simplification of the more detailed description given in Section 28.2.2.