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Vol. 3B 18-11


One example is the proliferation of software environments that support multiple virtual machines (VM) under VMX 
(see Chapter 23, “Introduction to Virtual-Machine Extensions”) where each VM represents a domain separated 
from one another.
A Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) that manages the VMs may allow individual VM to employ performance moni-
toring facilities to profiles the performance characteristics of a workload. The use of the Anythread interface in 
IA32_PERFEVTSELx and IA32_FIXED_CTR_CTRL is discouraged with software environments supporting virtualiza-
tion or requiring domain separation. 
Specifically, Intel recommends VMM:


configure the MSR bitmap to cause VM-exits for WRMSR to IA32_PERFEVTSELx and IA32_FIXED_CTR_CTRL in 
VMX non-Root operation (see CHAPTER 24 for additional information), 


clear the AnyThread bit of IA32_PERFEVTSELx and IA32_FIXED_CTR_CTRL in the MSR-load lists for VM exits 
and VM entries (see CHAPTER 24, CHAPTER 26, and CHAPTER 27).

Even when operating in simpler legacy software environments which might not emphasize the pre-requisites of a 
virtualized software environment, the use of the AnyThread interface should be moderated and follow any event-
specific guidance where explicitly noted (see relevant sections of Chapter 19, “Performance Monitoring Events”).


Architectural Performance Monitoring Version 4 

Processors supporting architectural performance monitoring version 4 also supports version 1, 2, and 3, as well as 
capability enumerated by CPUID leaf 0AH. Version 4 introduced a streamlined PMI overhead mitigation interface 
that replaces the legacy semantic behavior but retains the same control interface in 
IA32_DEBUGCTL.Freeze_LBRs_On_PMI and Freeze_PerfMon_On_PMI. Specifically version 4 provides the following 


New indicators (LBR_FRZ, CTR_FRZ) in IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS, see Section


Streamlined Freeze/PMI Overhead management interfaces to use IA32_DEBUGCTL.Freeze_LBRs_On_PMI and 
IA32_DEBUGCTL.Freeze_PerfMon_On_PMI: see Section Legacy semantics of Freeze_LBRs_On_PMI 
and Freeze_PerfMon_On_PMI (applicable to version 2 and 3) are not supported with version 4 or higher.


Fine-grain separation of control interface to manage overflow/status of IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS and 
read-only performance counter enabling interface in IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS: see Section


Performance monitoring resource in-use MSR to facilitate cooperative sharing protocol between perfmon-
managing privilege agents.   Enhancement in IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS 

The IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS MSR provides the following indicators with architectural performance monitoring 
version 4:


IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS.LBR_FRZ[bit 58]: This bit is set due to the following conditions:
— IA32_DEBUGCTL.FREEZE_LBR_ON_PMI has been set by the profiling agent, and
— A performance counter, configured to generate PMI, has overflowed to signal a PMI. Consequently the LBR 

stack is frozen.

Effectively, the IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS.LBR_FRZ bit also serve as an read-only control to enable 
capturing data in the LBR stack. To enable capturing LBR records, the following expression must hold with 
architectural perfmon version 4 or higher:


IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_STATUS.CTR_FRZ[bit 59]: This bit is set due to the following conditions:
— IA32_DEBUGCTL.FREEZE_PERFMON_ON_PMI has been set by the profiling agent, and
— A performance counter, configured to generate PMI, has overflowed to signal a PMI. Consequently, all the 

performance counters are frozen.