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Vol. 3B 17-13


17.4.3 Single-Stepping 



When software sets both the BTF flag (bit 1) in the IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR and the TF flag in the EFLAGS register, 
the processor generates a single-step debug exception only after instructions that cause a branch.


 This mecha-

nism allows a debugger to single-step on control transfers caused by branches. This “branch single stepping” helps 
isolate a bug to a particular block of code before instruction single-stepping further narrows the search. The 
processor clears the BTF flag when it generates a debug exception. The debugger must set the BTF flag before 
resuming program execution to continue single-stepping on branches.


Branch Trace Messages

Setting the TR flag (bit 6) in the IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR enables branch trace messages (BTMs). Thereafter, when 
the processor detects a branch, exception, or interrupt, it sends a branch record out on the system bus as a BTM. 
A debugging device that is monitoring the system bus can read these messages and synchronize operations with 
taken branch, interrupt, and exception events. 
When interrupts or exceptions occur in conjunction with a taken branch, additional BTMs are sent out on the bus, 
as described in Section 17.4.2, “Monitoring Branches, Exceptions, and Interrupts.”
For P6 processor family, Pentium M processor family, processors based on Intel Core microarchitecture, TR and LBR 
bits can not be set at the same time due to hardware limitation. The content of LBR stack is undefined when TR is 
For processors with Intel NetBurst microarchitecture, Intel Atom processors, and Intel Core and related Intel Xeon 
processors both starting with the Nehalem microarchitecture, the processor can collect branch records in the LBR 
stack and at the same time send/store BTMs when both the TR and LBR flags are set in the IA32_DEBUGCTL MSR 
(or the equivalent MSR_DEBUGCTLA, MSR_DEBUGCTLB).
The following exception applies:

BTM may not be observable on Intel Atom processor families that do not provide an externally visible system 
bus (i.e., processors based on the Silvermont microarchitecture or later).   Branch Trace Message Visibility

Branch trace message (BTM) visibility is implementation specific and limited to  systems with a front side bus 
(FSB). BTMs may not be visible to newer system link interfaces or a system bus that deviates from a traditional 


Branch Trace Store (BTS)

A trace of taken branches, interrupts, and exceptions is useful for debugging code by providing a method of deter-
mining the decision path taken to reach a particular code location. The LBR flag (bit 0) of IA32_DEBUGCTL provides 
a mechanism for capturing records of taken branches, interrupts, and exceptions and saving them in the last 
branch record (LBR) stack MSRs, setting the TR flag for sending them out onto the system bus as BTMs. The branch 
trace store (BTS) mechanism provides the additional capability of saving the branch records in a memory-resident 
BTS buffer, which is part of the DS save area. The BTS buffer can be configured to be circular so that the most 
recent branch records are always available or it can be configured to generate an interrupt when the buffer is 
nearly full so that all the branch records can be saved. The BTINT flag (bit 8) can be used to enable the generation 
of interrupt when the BTS buffer is full. See Section, “Setting Up the DS Save Area.” for additional details.
Setting this flag (BTS) alone can greatly reduce the performance of the processor. CPL-qualified branch trace 
storing mechanism can help mitigate the performance impact of sending/logging branch trace messages.

1. Executions of CALL, IRET, and JMP that cause task switches never cause single-step debug exceptions (regardless of the value of the 

BTF flag). A debugger desiring debug exceptions on switches to a task should set the T flag (debug trap flag) in the TSS of that task. 

See Section 7.2.1, “Task-State Segment (TSS).”