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8-20 Vol. 3A


MSR. (See Section 8.11.1, “Overview of the MP Initialization Process For P6 Family Processors” for a 
description of the BIPI, FIPI, and SIPI messages.)

The remainder of the processors (which were not selected as the BSP) are designated as APs. They 

leave their BSP flags in the clear state and enter a “wait-for-SIPI state.”

The newly established BSP broadcasts an FIPI message to “all including self,” which the BSP and APs 

treat as an end of MP initialization signal. Only the processor with its BSP flag set responds to the FIPI 
message. It responds by fetching and executing the BIOS boot-strap code, beginning at the reset vector 
(physical address FFFF FFF0H).

5. As part of the boot-strap code, the BSP creates an ACPI table and/or an MP table and adds its initial APIC ID to 

these tables as appropriate. 

6. At the end of the boot-strap procedure, the BSP sets a processor counter to 1, then broadcasts a SIPI message 

to all the APs in the system. Here, the SIPI message contains a vector to the BIOS AP initialization code (at 
000VV000H, where VV is the vector contained in the SIPI message).

7. The first action of the AP initialization code is to set up a race (among the APs) to a BIOS initialization 

semaphore. The first AP to the semaphore begins executing the initialization code. (See Section 8.4.4, “MP 
Initialization Example,” for se
maphore implementation details.) As part of the AP initialization procedure, the 
AP adds its APIC ID number to the ACPI and/or MP tables as appropriate and increments the processor counter 
by 1. At the completion of the initialization procedure, the AP executes a CLI instruction and halts itself.

8. When each of the APs has gained access to the semaphore and executed the AP initialization code, the BSP 

establishes a count for the number of processors connected to the system bus, completes executing the BIOS 
boot-strap code, and then begins executing operating-system boot-strap and start-up code.

9. While the BSP is executing operating-system boot-strap and start-up code, the APs remain in the halted state. 

In this state they will respond only to INITs, NMIs, and SMIs. They will also respond to snoops and to assertions 
of the STPCLK# pin.

The following section gives an example (with code) of the MP initialization protocol for of multiple processors oper-
ating in an MP configuration.
Chapter 35, “Model-Specific Registers (MSRs),” describes how to program the LINT[0:1] pins of the processor’s 
local APICs after an MP configuration has been completed.


MP Initialization Example

The following example illustrates the use of the MP initialization protocol used to initialize processors in an MP 
system after the BSP and APs have been established. The code runs on Intel 64 or IA-32 processors that use a 
protocol. This includes P6 Family processors, Pentium 4 processors, Intel Core Duo, Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Xeon 
The following constants and data definitions are used in the accompanying 
code examples. They are based on the addresses of the APIC registers defined in Table 10-1.


EQU 0FEE00300H




EQU 0FEE00020H


EQU 0FEE00370H


EQU 0100H


DD ?




EQU 00H  

Typical BSP Initialization Sequence

After the BSP and APs have been selected (by means of a hardware protocol, see Section 8.4.3, “MP Initialization 
Protocol Algorithm for MP Systems”), 
the BSP begins executing BIOS boot-strap code (POST) at the normal IA-32 
architecture starting address (FFFF FFF0H). The boot-strap code typically performs the following operations: