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26-6 Vol. 3C


Reserved bits in the VM-entry controls must be set properly. Software may consult the VMX capability MSRs to 
determine the proper settings (see Appendix A.5).

Fields relevant to VM-entry event injection must be set properly. These fields are the VM-entry interruption-
information field (see Table 24-13 in Section 24.8.3), the VM-entry exception error code, and the VM-entry 
instruction length. If the valid bit (bit 31) in the VM-entry interruption-information field is 1, the following must 
— The field’s interruption type (bits 10:8) is not set to a reserved value. Value 1 is reserved on all logical 

processors; value 7 (other event) is reserved on logical processors that do not support the 1-setting of the 
“monitor trap flag” VM-execution control.

— The field’s vector (bits 7:0) is consistent with the interruption type:

If the interruption type is non-maskable interrupt (NMI), the vector is 2.

If the interruption type is hardware exception, the vector is at most 31.

If the interruption type is other event, the vector is 0 (pending MTF VM exit).

— The field's deliver-error-code bit (bit 11) is 1 if and only if (1) either (a) the "unrestricted guest" VM-

execution control is 0; or (b) bit 0 (corresponding to CR0.PE) is set in the CR0 field in the guest-state area; 
(2) the interruption type is hardware exception; and (3) the vector indicates an exception that would 
normally deliver an error code (8 = #DF; 10 = TS; 11 = #NP; 12 = #SS; 13 = #GP; 14 = #PF; or 17 = 

— Reserved bits in the field (30:12) are 0.
— If the deliver-error-code bit (bit 11) is 1, bits 31:15 of the VM-entry exception error-code field are 0.
— If the interruption type is software interrupt, software exception, or privileged software exception, the 

VM-entry instruction-length field is in the range 0–15. A VM-entry instruction length of 0 is allowed only if 
IA32_VMX_MISC[30] is read as 1; see Appendix A.6.

The following checks are performed for the VM-entry MSR-load address if the VM-entry MSR-load count field is 
— The lower 4 bits of the VM-entry MSR-load address must be 0. The address should not set any bits beyond 

the processor’s physical-address width.


— The address of the last byte in the VM-entry MSR-load area should not set any bits beyond the processor’s 

physical-address width. The address of this last byte is VM-entry MSR-load address + (MSR count * 16) – 
1. (The arithmetic used for the computation uses more bits than the processor’s physical-address width.)

If IA32_VMX_BASIC[48] is read as 1, neither address should set any bits in the range 63:32; see Appendix

If the processor is not in SMM, the “entry to SMM” and “deactivate dual-monitor treatment” VM-entry controls 
must be 0.

The “entry to SMM” and “deactivate dual-monitor treatment” VM-entry controls cannot both be 1.


Checks on Host Control Registers and MSRs

The following checks are performed on fields in the host-state area that correspond to control registers and MSRs:

The CR0 field must not set any bit to a value not supported in VMX operation (see Section 23.8).


The CR4 field must not set any bit to a value not supported in VMX operation (see Section 23.8).

On processors that support Intel 64 architecture, the CR3 field must be such that bits 63:52 and bits in the 
range 51:32 beyond the processor’s physical-address width must be 0.


1. Software can determine a processor’s physical-address width by executing CPUID with 80000008H in EAX. The physical-address 

width is returned in bits 7:0 of EAX.

2. The bits corresponding to CR0.NW (bit 29) and CR0.CD (bit 30) are never checked because the values of these bits are not changed 

by VM exit; see Section 27.5.1.