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Vol. 3C 25-7


— If the “enable INVPCID” VM-execution control is 1, treatment is based on the setting of the “INVLPG 

exiting” VM-execution control:

If the “INVLPG exiting” VM-execution control is 0, INVPCID operates normally.

If the “INVLPG exiting” VM-execution control is 1, INVPCID causes a VM exit.

IRET. Behavior of IRET with regard to NMI blocking (see Table 24-3) is determined by the settings of the “NMI 
exiting” and “virtual NMIs” VM-execution controls:
— If the “NMI exiting” VM-execution control is 0, IRET operates normally and unblocks NMIs. (If the “NMI 

exiting” VM-execution control is 0, the “virtual NMIs” control must be 0; see Section

— If the “NMI exiting” VM-execution control is 1, IRET does not affect blocking of NMIs. If, in addition, the 

“virtual NMIs” VM-execution control is 1, the logical processor tracks virtual-NMI blocking. In this case, 
IRET removes any virtual-NMI blocking.

The unblocking of NMIs or virtual NMIs specified above occurs even if IRET causes a fault.

LMSW. Outside of VMX non-root operation, LMSW loads its source operand into CR0[3:0], but it does not clear 
CR0.PE if that bit is set. In VMX non-root operation, an execution of LMSW that does not cause a VM exit (see 
Section 25.1.3) leaves unmodified any bit in CR0[3:0] corresponding to a bit set in the CR0 guest/host mask. 
An attempt to set any other bit in CR0[3:0] to a value not supported in VMX operation (see Section 23.8
causes a general-protection exception. Attempts to clear CR0.PE are ignored without fault.

MOV from CR0. The behavior of MOV from CR0 is determined by the CR0 guest/host mask and the CR0 read 
shadow. For each position corresponding to a bit clear in the CR0 guest/host mask, the destination operand is 
loaded with the value of the corresponding bit in CR0. For each position corresponding to a bit set in the CR0 
guest/host mask, the destination operand is loaded with the value of the corresponding bit in the CR0 read 
shadow. Thus, if every bit is cleared in the CR0 guest/host mask, MOV from CR0 reads normally from CR0; if 
every bit is set in the CR0 guest/host mask, MOV from CR0 returns the value of the CR0 read shadow.
Depending on the contents of the CR0 guest/host mask and the CR0 read shadow, bits may be set in the 
destination that would never be set when reading directly from CR0.

MOV from CR3. If the “enable EPT” VM-execution control is 1 and an execution of MOV from CR3 does not 
cause a VM exit (see Section 25.1.3), the value loaded from CR3 is a guest-physical address; see Section 

MOV from CR4. The behavior of MOV from CR4 is determined by the CR4 guest/host mask and the CR4 read 
shadow. For each position corresponding to a bit clear in the CR4 guest/host mask, the destination operand is 
loaded with the value of the corresponding bit in CR4. For each position corresponding to a bit set in the CR4 
guest/host mask, the destination operand is loaded with the value of the corresponding bit in the CR4 read 
shadow. Thus, if every bit is cleared in the CR4 guest/host mask, MOV from CR4 reads normally from CR4; if 
every bit is set in the CR4 guest/host mask, MOV from CR4 returns the value of the CR4 read shadow.
Depending on the contents of the CR4 guest/host mask and the CR4 read shadow, bits may be set in the 
destination that would never be set when reading directly from CR4.

MOV from CR8. If the MOV from CR8 instruction does not cause a VM exit (see Section 25.1.3), its behavior 
is modified if the “use TPR shadow” VM-execution control is 1; see Section 29.3.

MOV to CR0. An execution of MOV to CR0 that does not cause a VM exit (see Section 25.1.3) leaves 
unmodified any bit in CR0 corresponding to a bit set in the CR0 guest/host mask. Treatment of attempts to 
modify other bits in CR0 depends on the setting of the “unrestricted guest” VM-execution control:
— If the control is 0, MOV to CR0 causes a general-protection exception if it attempts to set any bit in CR0 to 

a value not supported in VMX operation (see Section 23.8).

— If the control is 1, MOV to CR0 causes a general-protection exception if it attempts to set any bit in CR0 

other than bit 0 (PE) or bit 31 (PG) to a value not supported in VMX operation. It remains the case, 
however, that MOV to CR0 causes a general-protection exception if it would result in CR0.PE = 0 and 
CR0.PG = 1 or if it would result in CR0.PG = 1, CR4.PAE = 0, and IA32_EFER.LME = 1.

MOV to CR3. If the “enable EPT” VM-execution control is 1 and an execution of MOV to CR3 does not cause a 
VM exit (see Section 25.1.3), the value loaded into CR3 is treated as a guest-physical address; see Section 
— If PAE paging is not being used, the instruction does not use the guest-physical address to access memory 

and it does not cause it to be translated through EPT.