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Vol. 3A 8-25


Addressable IDs for processor cores in the same Package




):EAX[31:26] + 

1 = Y) — Indicates the maximum number of addressable IDs attributable to processor cores (Y) in the physical 

Extended Processor Topology Enumeration parameters for 32-bit APIC ID: Intel 64 processors 
supporting CPUID leaf 0BH will assign unique APIC IDs to each logical processor in the system. CPUID leaf 0BH 
reports the 32-bit APIC ID and provide topology enumeration parameters. See CPUID instruction reference 
pages in Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 2A.

The CPUID feature flag may indicate support for hardware multi-threading when only one logical processor avail-
able in the package. In this case, the decimal value represented by bits 16 through 23 in the EBX register will have 
a value of 1.
Software should note that the number of logical processors enabled by system software may be less than the value 
of “Addressable IDs for Logical processors”. Similarly, the number of cores enabled by system software may be less 
than the value of “Addressable IDs for processor cores”.
Software can detect the availability of the CPUID extended topology enumeration leaf (0BH) by performing two 

Check maximum input value for basic CPUID information by executing CPUID with EAX= 0. If CPUID.0H:EAX is 
greater than or equal or 11 (0BH), then proceed to next step,

Check CPUID.EAX=0BH, ECX=0H:EBX is non-zero.

If both of the above conditions are true, extended topology enumeration leaf is available. Note the presence of 
CPUID leaf 0BH in a processor does not guarantee support that the local APIC supports x2APIC. If 
CPUID.(EAX=0BH, ECX=0H):EBX returns zero and maximum input value for basic CPUID information is greater 
than 0BH, then CPUID.0BH leaf is not supported on that processor.


Initializing Processors Supporting Hyper-Threading Technology

The initialization process for an MP system that contains processors supporting Intel Hyper-Threading Technology 
is the same as for conventional MP systems (see Section 8.4, “Multiple-Processor (MP) Initialization”). One logical 
processor in the system is selected as the BSP and other processors (or logical processors) are designated as APs. 
The initialization process is identical to that described in Section 8.4.3, “MP Initialization Protocol Algorithm for MP 
and Section 8.4.4, “MP Initialization Example.”
During initialization, each logical processor is assigned an APIC ID that is stored in the local APIC ID register for 
each logical processor. If two or more processors supporting Intel Hyper-Threading Technology are present, each 
logical processor on the system bus is assigned a unique ID (see Section 8.9.3, “Hierarchical ID of Logical Proces-
sors in an MP System”). 
Once logical processors have APIC IDs, software communicates with them by sending APIC 
IPI messages.


Initializing Multi-Core Processors

The initialization process for an MP system that contains multi-core Intel 64 or IA-32 processors is the same as for 
conventional MP systems (see Section 8.4, “Multiple-Processor (MP) Initialization”). A logical processor in one core 
is selected as the BSP; other logical processors are designated as APs. 
During initialization, each logical processor is assigned an APIC ID. Once logical processors have APIC IDs, soft-
ware may communicate with them by sending APIC IPI messages.

6. Operating system and BIOS may implement features that reduce the number of logical processors available in a platform to applica-

tions at runtime to less than the number of physical packages times the number of hardware-capable logical processors per pack-


7. Software must check CPUID for its support of leaf 4 when implementing support for multi-core. If CPUID leaf 4 is not available at 

runtime, software should handle the situation as if there is only one core per package.

8. Maximum number of cores in the physical package must be queried by executing CPUID with EAX=4 and a valid ECX input value. 

Valid ECX input values start from 0.