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Vol. 3A 8-7


In a multiple-processor system, the following ordering principles apply:

Individual processors use the same ordering principles as in a single-processor system.

Writes by a single processor are observed in the same order by all processors.

Writes from an individual processor are NOT ordered with respect to the writes from other processors.

Memory ordering obeys causality (memory ordering respects transitive visibility).

Any two stores are seen in a consistent order by processors other than those performing the stores

Locked instructions have a total order.

See the example in Figure 8-1. Consider three processors in a system and each processor performs three writes, 
one to each of three defined locations (A, B, and C). Individually, the processors perform the writes in the same 
program order, but because of bus arbitration and other memory access mechanisms, the order that the three 
processors write the individual memory locations can differ each time the respective code sequences are executed 
on the processors. The final values in location A, B, and C would possibly vary on each execution of the write 
The processor-ordering model described in this section is virtually identical to that used by the Pentium and 
Intel486 processors. The only enhancements in the Pentium 4, Intel Xeon, and P6 family processors are:

Added support for speculative reads, while still adhering to the ordering principles above.

Store-buffer forwarding, when a read passes a write to the same memory location.

Out of order store from long string store and string move operations (see Section 8.2.4, “Fast-String Operation 
and Out-of-Order Stores,” below).


In P6 processor family, store-buffer forwarding to reads of WC memory from streaming stores to the same address 
does not occur due to errata.


Examples Illustrating the Memory-Ordering Principles

This section provides a set of examples that illustrate the behavior of the memory-ordering principles introduced in 
Section 8.2.2. They are designed to give software writers an understanding of how memory ordering may affect 
the results of different sequences of instructions.

Figure 8-1.  Example of Write Ordering in Multiple-Processor Systems

Processor #1

Processor #2

Processor #3

Write A.3
Write B.3
Write C.3

Write A.1
Write B.1
Write A.2
Write A.3
Write C.1
Write B.2
Write C.2
Write B.3
Write C.3

Order of Writes From Individual Processors

Write A.2
Write B.2
Write C.2

Write A.1
Write B.1
Write C.1

Writes from all
processors are
not guaranteed
to occur in a
particular order.

Each processor
is guaranteed to
perform writes in
program order.

Writes are in order
with respect to 
individual processes.

Example of order of actual writes
from all processors to memory