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Vol. 3C 26-7


On processors that support Intel 64 architecture, the IA32_SYSENTER_ESP field and the IA32_SYSENTER_EIP 
field must each contain a canonical address.

If the “load IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL” VM-exit control is 1, bits reserved in the IA32_PERF_GLOBAL_CTRL 
MSR must be 0 in the field for that register (see Figure 18-3).

If the “load IA32_PAT” VM-exit control is 1, the value of the field for the IA32_PAT MSR must be one that could 
be written by WRMSR without fault at CPL 0. Specifically, each of the 8 bytes in the field must have one of the 
values 0 (UC), 1 (WC), 4 (WT), 5 (WP), 6 (WB), or 7 (UC-).

If the “load IA32_EFER” VM-exit control is 1, bits reserved in the IA32_EFER MSR must be 0 in the field for that 
register. In addition, the values of the LMA and LME bits in the field must each be that of the “host address-
space size” VM-exit control.


Checks on Host Segment and Descriptor-Table Registers

The following checks are performed on fields in the host-state area that correspond to segment and descriptor-
table registers:

In the selector field for each of CS, SS, DS, ES, FS, GS and TR, the RPL (bits 1:0) and the TI flag (bit 2) must 
be 0.

The selector fields for CS and TR cannot be 0000H.

The selector field for SS cannot be 0000H if the “host address-space size” VM-exit control is 0.

On processors that support Intel 64 architecture, the base-address fields for FS, GS, GDTR, IDTR, and TR must 
contain canonical addresses.


Checks Related to Address-Space Size

On processors that support Intel 64 architecture, the following checks related to address-space size are performed 
on VMX controls and fields in the host-state area:

If the logical processor is outside IA-32e mode (if IA32_EFER.LMA = 0) at the time of VM entry, the following 
must hold:
— The “IA-32e mode guest” VM-entry control is 0.
— The “host address-space size” VM-exit control is 0.

If the logical processor is in IA-32e mode (if IA32_EFER.LMA = 1) at the time of VM entry, the “host address-
space size” VM-exit control must be 1.

If the “host address-space size” VM-exit control is 0, the following must hold:
— The “IA-32e mode guest” VM-entry control is 0.
— Bit 17 of the CR4 field (corresponding to CR4.PCIDE) is 0.
— Bits 63:32 in the RIP field is 0.

If the “host address-space size” VM-exit control is 1, the following must hold:
— Bit 5 of the CR4 field (corresponding to CR4.PAE) is 1.
— The RIP field contains a canonical address.

On processors that do not support Intel 64 architecture, checks are performed to ensure that the “IA-32e mode 
guest” VM-entry control and the “host address-space size” VM-exit control are both 0.

3. Software can determine a processor’s physical-address width by executing CPUID with 80000008H in EAX. The physical-address 

width is returned in bits 7:0 of EAX.

4. Bit 63 of the CR3 field in the host-state area must be 0. This is true even though, If CR4.PCIDE = 1, bit 63 of the source operand to 

MOV to CR3 is used to determine whether cached translation information is invalidated.