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Vol. 3A 9-1



This chapter describes the facilities provided for managing processor wide functions and for initializing the 
processor. The subjects covered include: processor initialization, x87 FPU initialization, processor configuration, 
feature determination, mode switching, the MSRs (in the Pentium, P6 family, Pentium 4, and Intel Xeon proces-
sors), and the MTRRs (in the P6 family, Pentium 4, and Intel Xeon processors).



Following power-up or an assertion of the RESET# pin, each processor on the system bus performs a hardware 
initialization of the processor (known as a hardware reset) and an optional built-in self-test (BIST). A hardware 
reset sets each processor’s registers to a known state and places the processor in real-address mode. It also inval-
idates the internal caches, translation lookaside buffers (TLBs) and the branch target buffer (BTB). At this point, 
the action taken depends on the processor family:

Pentium 4 processors (CPUID DisplayFamily 0FH) — All the processors on the system bus (including a 
single processor in a uniprocessor system) execute the multiple processor (MP) initialization protocol. The 
processor that is selected through this protocol as the bootstrap processor (BSP) then immediately starts 
executing software-initialization code in the current code segment beginning at the offset in the EIP register. 
The application (non-BSP) processors (APs) go into a Wait For Startup IPI (SIPI) state while the BSP is 
executing initialization code. See Section 8.4, “Multiple-Processor (MP) Initialization,” for more details. Note 
that in a uniprocessor system, the single Pentium 4 or Intel Xeon processor automatically becomes the BSP.

IA-32 and Intel 64 processors (CPUID DisplayFamily 06H) — The action taken is the same as for the 
Pentium 4 processors (as described in the previous paragraph).

Pentium processors — In either a single- or dual- processor system, a single Pentium processor is always 
pre-designated as the primary processor. Following a reset, the primary processor behaves as follows in both 
single- and dual-processor systems. Using the dual-processor (DP) ready initialization protocol, the primary 
processor immediately starts executing software-initialization code in the current code segment beginning at 
the offset in the EIP register. The secondary processor (if there is one) goes into a halt state.

Intel486 processor — The primary processor (or single processor in a uniprocessor system) immediately 
starts executing software-initialization code in the current code segment beginning at the offset in the EIP 
register. (The Intel486 does not automatically execute a DP or MP initialization protocol to determine which 
processor is the primary processor.)

The software-initialization code performs all system-specific initialization of the BSP or primary processor and the 
system logic.
At this point, for MP (or DP) systems, the BSP (or primary) processor wakes up each AP (or secondary) processor 
to enable those processors to execute self-configuration code.
When all processors are initialized, configured, and synchronized, the BSP or primary processor begins executing 
an initial operating-system or executive task.
The x87 FPU is also initialized to a known state during hardware reset. x87 FPU software initialization code can then 
be executed to perform operations such as setting the precision of the x87 FPU and the exception masks. No special 
initialization of the x87 FPU is required to switch operating modes. 
Asserting the INIT# pin on the processor invokes a similar response to a hardware reset. The major difference is 
that during an INIT, the internal caches, MSRs, MTRRs, and x87 FPU state are left unchanged (although, the TLBs 
and BTB are invalidated as with a hardware reset). An INIT provides a method for switching from protected to real-
address mode while maintaining the contents of the internal caches.