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7-10 Vol. 3A


An interrupt or exception vector points to a task-gate descriptor in the IDT.

The current task executes an IRET when the NT flag in the EFLAGS register is set. 

JMP, CALL, and IRET instructions, as well as interrupts and exceptions, are all mechanisms for redirecting a 
program. The referencing of a TSS descriptor or a task gate (when calling or jumping to a task) or the state of the 
NT flag (when executing an IRET instruction) determines whether a task switch occurs.
The processor performs the following operations when switching to a new task:
1. Obtains the TSS segment selector for the new task as the operand of the JMP or CALL instruction, from a task 

gate, or from the previous task link field (for a task switch initiated with an IRET instruction).

2. Checks that the current (old) task is allowed to switch to the new task. Data-access privilege rules apply to JMP 

and CALL instructions. The CPL of the current (old) task and the RPL of the segment selector for the new task 
must be less than or equal to the DPL of the TSS descriptor or task gate being referenced. Exceptions, 
interrupts (except for interrupts generated by the INT n instruction), and the IRET instruction are permitted to 
switch tasks regardless of the DPL of the destination task-gate or TSS descriptor. For interrupts generated by 
the INT n instruction, the DPL is checked.

3. Checks that the TSS descriptor of the new task is marked present and has a valid limit (greater than or equal 

to 67H).

4. Checks that the new task is available (call, jump, exception, or interrupt) or busy (IRET return).
5. Checks that the current (old) TSS, new TSS, and all segment descriptors used in the task switch are paged into 

system memory.

6. If the task switch was initiated with a JMP or IRET instruction, the processor clears the busy (B) flag in the 

current (old) task’s TSS descriptor; if initiated with a CALL instruction, an exception, or an interrupt: the busy 
(B) flag is left set. (See Table 7-2.)

7. If the task switch was initiated with an IRET instruction, the processor clears the NT flag in a temporarily saved 

image of the EFLAGS register; if initiated with a CALL or JMP instruction, an exception, or an interrupt, the NT 
flag is left unchanged in the saved EFLAGS image.

8. Saves the state of the current (old) task in the current task’s TSS. The processor finds the base address of the 

current TSS in the task register and then copies the states of the following registers into the current TSS: all the 
general-purpose registers, segment selectors from the segment registers, the temporarily saved image of the 
EFLAGS register, and the instruction pointer register (EIP).

9. If the task switch was initiated with a CALL instruction, an exception, or an interrupt, the processor will set the 

NT flag in the EFLAGS loaded from the new task. If initiated with an IRET instruction or JMP instruction, the NT 
flag will reflect the state of NT in the EFLAGS loaded from the new task (see Table 7-2).

10. If the task switch was initiated with a CALL instruction, JMP instruction, an exception, or an interrupt, the 

processor sets the busy (B) flag in the new task’s TSS descriptor; if initiated with an IRET instruction, the busy 
(B) flag is left set.

11. Loads the task register with the segment selector and descriptor for the new task's TSS.
12. The TSS state is loaded into the processor. This includes the LDTR register, the PDBR (control register CR3), the 

EFLAGS register, the EIP register, the general-purpose registers, and the segment selectors. A fault during the 
load of this state may corrupt architectural state. (If paging is not enabled, a PDBR value is read from the new 
task's TSS, but it is not loaded into CR3.)

13. The descriptors associated with the segment selectors are loaded and qualified. Any errors associated with this 

loading and qualification occur in the context of the new task and may corrupt architectural state.


If all checks and saves have been carried out successfully, the processor commits to the task 
switch. If an unrecoverable error occurs in steps 1 through 11, the processor does not complete the 
task switch and insures that the processor is returned to its state prior to the execution of the 
instruction that initiated the task switch.

If an unrecoverable error occurs in step 12, architectural state may be corrupted, but an attempt 
will be made to handle the error in the prior execution environment. If an unrecoverable error