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Vol. 3C 30-17


If the source operand is located in an execute-only code segment.


If a page fault occurs in accessing the memory source operand.


If the memory source operand effective address is outside the SS segment limit.
If the SS register contains an unusable segment.


If operand is a register.
If not in VMX operation.

Real-Address Mode Exceptions


If executed outside VMX root operation.

Virtual-8086 Mode Exceptions


The VMPTRLD instruction is not recognized in virtual-8086 mode.

Compatibility Mode Exceptions


The VMPTRLD instruction is not recognized in compatibility mode.

64-Bit Mode Exceptions


If the current privilege level is not 0.
If the source operand is in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments and the memory address is in 

a non-canonical form.


If a page fault occurs in accessing the memory source operand.


If the source operand is in the SS segment and the memory address is in a non-canonical 



If operand is a register.
If not in VMX operation.