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25-8 Vol. 3C


— If PAE paging is being used, the instruction translates the guest-physical address through EPT and uses the 

result to load the four (4) page-directory-pointer-table entries (PDPTEs). The instruction does not use the 
guest-physical addresses the PDPTEs to access memory and it does not cause them to be translated 
through EPT.

MOV to CR4. An execution of MOV to CR4 that does not cause a VM exit (see Section 25.1.3) leaves 
unmodified any bit in CR4 corresponding to a bit set in the CR4 guest/host mask. Such an execution causes a 
general-protection exception if it attempts to set any bit in CR4 (not corresponding to a bit set in the CR4 
guest/host mask) to a value not supported in VMX operation (see Section 23.8).

MOV to CR8. If the MOV to CR8 instruction does not cause a VM exit (see Section 25.1.3), its behavior is 
modified if the “use TPR shadow” VM-execution control is 1; see Section 29.3.

MWAIT.  Behavior of the MWAIT instruction (which always causes an invalid-opcode exception—#UD—if 
CPL > 0) is determined by the setting of the “MWAIT exiting” VM-execution control:
— If the “MWAIT exiting” VM-execution control is 1, MWAIT causes a VM exit.
— If the “MWAIT exiting” VM-execution control is 0, MWAIT operates normally if one of the following are true: 

(1) ECX[0] is 0; (2) RFLAGS.IF = 1; or both of the following are true: (a) the “interrupt-window exiting” VM-
execution control is 0; and (b) the logical processor has not recognized a pending virtual interrupt (see 
Section 29.2.1).

— If the “MWAIT exiting” VM-execution control is 0, ECX[0] = 1, and RFLAGS.IF = 0, MWAIT does not cause 

the processor to enter an implementation-dependent optimized state if either the “interrupt-window 
exiting” VM-execution control is 1 or the logical processor has recognized a pending virtual interrupt; 
instead, control passes to the instruction following the MWAIT instruction.

RDMSR. Section 25.1.3 identifies when executions of the RDMSR instruction cause VM exits. If such an 
execution causes neither a fault due to CPL > 0 nor a VM exit, the instruction’s behavior may be modified for 
certain values of ECX:
— If ECX contains 10H (indicating the IA32_TIME_STAMP_COUNTER MSR), the value returned by the 

instruction is determined by the setting of the “use TSC offsetting” VM-execution control:

If the control is 0, RDMSR operates normally, loading EAX:EDX with the value of the 


If the control is 1, the value returned is determined by the setting of the “use TSC scaling” VM-execution 


If the control is 0, RDMSR loads EAX:EDX with the sum of the value of the 

IA32_TIME_STAMP_COUNTER MSR and the value of the TSC offset.

If the control is 1, RDMSR first computes the product of the value of the 

IA32_TIME_STAMP_COUNTER MSR and the value of the TSC multiplier. It then shifts the value of 
the product right 48 bits and loads EAX:EDX with the sum of that shifted value and the value of the 
TSC offset.

The 1-setting of the “use TSC-offsetting” VM-execution control does not affect executions of RDMSR if ECX 
contains 6E0H (indicating the IA32_TSC_DEADLINE MSR). Such executions return the APIC-timer deadline 
relative to the actual timestamp counter without regard to the TSC offset.

— If ECX is in the range 800H–8FFH (indicating an APIC MSR), instruction behavior may be modified if the 

“virtualize x2APIC mode” VM-execution control is 1; see Section 29.5.

RDPID. Behavior of the RDPID instruction is determined first by the setting of the “enable RDTSCP” 
VM-execution control:
— If the “enable RDTSCP” VM-execution control is 0, RDPID causes an invalid-opcode exception (#UD).
— If the “enable RDTSCP” VM-execution control is 1, RDPID operates normally.

RDTSC. Behavior of the RDTSC instruction is determined by the settings of the “RDTSC exiting” and “use TSC 
offsetting” VM-execution controls:

1. A logical processor uses PAE paging if CR0.PG = 1, CR4.PAE = 1 and IA32_EFER.LMA = 0. See Section 4.4 in the Intel® 64 and IA-32 

Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, Volume 3A.