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22-14 Vol. 3B


With the 32-bit x87 FPUs, the FSETPM instruction is treated as NOP (no operation). This instruction informs the 
Intel 287 math coprocessor that the processor is in protected mode. This change has no impact on existing soft-
ware. The 32-bit x87 FPUs handle all addressing and exception-pointer information, whether in protected mode or 
not.  FXAM Instruction

With the 32-bit x87 FPUs, if the FPU encounters an empty register when executing the FXAM instruction, it not 
generate combinations of C0 through C3 equal to 1101 or 1111. The 16-bit IA-32 math coprocessors may generate 
these combinations, among others. This difference has no impact on existing software; it provides a performance 
upgrade to provide repeatable results.  FSAVE and FSTENV Instructions

With the 32-bit x87 FPUs, the address of a memory operand pointer stored by FSAVE or FSTENV is undefined if the 
previous floating-point instruction did not refer to memory

22.18.8 Transcendental 


The floating-point results of the P6 family and Pentium processors for transcendental instructions in the core range 
may differ from the Intel486 processors by about 2 or 3 ulps (see “Transcendental Instruction Accuracy” in Chapter 
8, “Programming with the x87 FPU,” of the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, 
Volume 1
). Condition code flag C1 of the status word may differ as a result. The exact threshold for underflow and 
overflow will vary by a few ulps. The P6 family and Pentium processors’ results will have a worst case error of less 
than 1 ulp when rounding to the nearest-even and less than 1.5 ulps when rounding in other modes. The transcen-
dental instructions are guaranteed to be monotonic, with respect to the input operands, throughout the domain 
supported by the instruction.
Transcendental instructions may generate different results in the round-up flag (C1) on the 32-bit x87 FPUs. The 
round-up flag is undefined for these instructions on the 16-bit IA-32 math coprocessors. This difference has no 
impact on existing software.

22.18.9 Obsolete 


The 8087 math coprocessor instructions FENI and FDISI and the Intel 287 math coprocessor instruction FSETPM 
are treated as integer NOP instructions in the 32-bit x87 FPUs. If these opcodes are detected in the instruction 
stream, no specific operation is performed and no internal states are affected.

22.18.10 WAIT/FWAIT Prefix Differences

On the Intel486 processor, when a WAIT/FWAIT instruction precedes a floating-point instruction (one which itself 
automatically synchronizes with the previous floating-point instruction), the WAIT/FWAIT instruction is treated as 
a no-op. Pending floating-point exceptions from a previous floating-point instruction are processed not on the 
WAIT/FWAIT instruction but on the floating-point instruction following the WAIT/FWAIT instruction. In such a case, 
the report of a floating-point exception may appear one instruction later on the Intel486 processor than on a P6 
family or Pentium FPU, or on Intel 387 math coprocessor.

22.18.11 Operands Split Across Segments and/or Pages

On the P6 family, Pentium, and Intel486 processor FPUs, when the first half of an operand to be written is inside a 
page or segment and the second half is outside, a memory fault can cause the first half to be stored but not the 
second half. In this situation, the Intel 387 math coprocessor stores nothing.