This is a compression challenge for Web developers.
The goal is to compress this HTML page containing the complete work of William Shakespeare,
based on the version hosted on Project Gutenberg.
All means are allowed to compress the file, but the decompression must happen entirely in the browser.
The page is encoded in UTF-8 with BOM and has a size of 5,324,821 bytes.
All characters are ASCII. (\n !"&'(),-.0123456789:;<>?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|}
More info on on
- Fork this repo.
- Copy the “example” folder and rename the copy with your Github username.
- Your folder contains a file called index.html, containing a <xmp> HTML tag followed by a long text.
- You can create other text and/or binary files at your convenience.
- Compress the file as much as you can without altering the output.
- The decompression must happen in the browser, without any user input, and use a reasonable amount of time (<30 min) and memory (<4GB) on a modern computer.
- You can use HTML & JavaScript only, no PHP (or any server-side language), no VBScript.
- You CAN use HTML entities to replace any characters.
- You CAN use gzip (or concurrent) compression algorithms, other charsets than UTF-8, binary packing, neural networks…
- You CAN use temporary elements (text, canvas…), but need to hide them or remove them from the DOM at the end.
- You can NOT perform network queries or read any file that’s not present in your folder.
- You can NOT use browser extensions, JS error messages, or the built-in spellchecker.
- You can NOT store data in file names, HTTP headers or anything that wouldn’t appear in the byte count.
- Your score is the total size, in bytes, of the file(s) present in your folder.
- Add a readme file explaining your process.
- Open a merge request to appear in the leaderboard.
- A first reward of 50€ (via Paypal) will be granted to the first person that beats 1050kb (i.e. 15kb bigger than paq8hp12’s score for this file)
- Then, a reward of 10 + X€ will be granted to each person that beats the previous record by Xkb.
- Eyal Gruss: 1 356 386 bytes (using text preprocessing + Burrows-Wheeler + Move-to-front variant + Huffman + Burrows-Wheeler on bits + ECT PNG bootstrap + crEnc) demo, readme
- Matt Mastrac: 1 488 397 bytes (using better PNG bootstrap) demo, readme
- winstonewert: 1 971 890 bytes (using PNG bootstrap) demo, readme
- jeremyrixon: 2 961 629 bytes (using Unicode and LZW) demo, readme